Application to the IChO

Only participants chosen via a National Chemistry Olympiad competition may be invited to compete in the IChO. Consequently, the individual participants cannot take part in the International Chemistry Olympiad.

Requests of a country to participate in the IChO are considered by the Steering Committee at its January meeting and thus, they must be received by November.

Any country wishing to be considered should be acquainted with the attached Regulations as well as with the Guidelines for Mentors, and it is expected to complete the IChO questionnaire. The questionnaire should be returned to the Organizing Committee of the host country.

It is necessary and most important that a delegation from any country is approved and supported at a national level. The questionnaire must be completed with the official approval of a government or education minister or the organizers of the National Competition.

Once the application of any country has been accepted the country is expected to send compulsorily a team of observers for two consecutive IChO before the students of the country can participate in the competition in the following year.

During the two observing years it is necessary for the two observers to pay:

  • their travel costs to the IChO,
  • the standard Observer fee set by the Organizing Committee of the host country,
  • their medical insurance for the journey to/from the organizing country and the stay in the organizing country.

Compiled and edited by A. Sirota (IChO Intern. Information Centre)

Contact us

Dr. Anton Sirota|Director of the IChO IIC
NIVaM – National Institute for Education and Youth
Hálova 6, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail:|Phone: +421 907 473 367

Dr. Martin Putala|Department of Organic Chemistry
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Comenius University, Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, Slovakia
E-mail:|Phone: +421 918 669 092