Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is a very important body in the organizational structure of the IChO since its members are responsible for a perfect preparation of preparatory and competition problems as well as for the marking (grading) of competitors’ solutions of the competition problems.

Usually a chemistry professor from the organizing country is the chairman of the Scientific Committee. The members should be professionals from different fields of chemistry according to the content and composition of the competition theoretical and practical problems. When composing the competition problems one cannot forget that they will be solved by secondary school students. It must be clear for all those who are engaged in preparation of the texts of the tasks accompanied with figures, tables and the corresponding data. Since it is expected that the members of the Scientific Committee will come into contact with the mentors of the International Jury during the supposed discussions, the command of English of all members of the Scientific Committee is also expected. In order to avoid any unacceptable situations it is very desirable to have in the Scientific Committee at least one experienced mentor who is able to foresee some problems which can occur during the IChO competition. All members of the Scientific Committee must take into consideration the syllabus concerning the practical and the theoretical competition tasks as well as they must be acquainted with the regulations of the IChO in all details.

Compiled and edited by A. Sirota (IChO Intern. Information Centre)

Contact us

Dr. Anton Sirota|Director of the IChO IIC
NIVaM – National Institute for Education and Youth
Hálova 6, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail:|Phone: +421 907 473 367

Dr. Martin Putala|Department of Organic Chemistry
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Comenius University, Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, Slovakia
E-mail:|Phone: +421 918 669 092