
Already the first years of the IChO competition showed the necessity of any information for the competing students concerning the level of the tasks. The teaching of chemistry at the secondary schools in different countries was a little bit different and it could influence the preparation of their students for the competition. The differences in chemical education were evident especially in the sphere of chemical experiments. Therefore, the preparatory tasks which appeared in the seventieth years of the last century were one of the very important factors that contribute to a better preparation of the students for the competition.

The praxis showed, however, that preparatory tasks were very important but not sufficient enough. The students were eager to know how high is the level of the knowledge for those students who would like to reach the best results. The international jury discussed the situation and decided to form a team of people from among of active members of the jury who would prepare a syllabus that is attached to this document. The syllabus for the theoretical part of the competition was prepared first and later it was accompanied by a syllabus for the experimental part of the IChO.

The syllabuses for both parts of the IChO competition are attached to this document:

Compiled and edited by A. Sirota (IChO Intern. Information Centre)

Contact us

Dr. Anton Sirota|Director of the IChO IIC
NIVaM – National Institute for Education and Youth
Hálova 6, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail:|Phone: +421 907 473 367

Dr. Martin Putala|Department of Organic Chemistry
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Comenius University, Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, Slovakia
E-mail:|Phone: +421 918 669 092